Everyone benefits from having a strong financial role model. But examples of good money behavior can be hard to find, particularly for people raised in families where money was never discussed. Without seeing healthy relationships with money, however, people can get stuck in their own detrimental habits, such as overspending and undersaving. Plus, it’s hard to envision a long-term financial plan without someone illuminating the road ahead.
For those wanting to build a better financial life, the Guardian Study of Financial and Emotional Confidence TM offers inspiration. The 2021 study surveyed over 5,000 full and part-time American workers with median household incomes of $112,000. Over the course of the study, four different financial profiles emerged: Day-to-Day Decision-Makers, Retirement Realists, Ambitious Spenders, and Confident Planners. There’s a broad range of financial habits among these four groups, and when it comes to model behaviors to emulate, the Ambitious Spenders and the Confident Planners lead the way. Here’s why.